CI CD Pipeline Workflow: Azure DevOps

Have you ever wondered 🤔 what goes behind the CI CD pipeline in Azure DevOps using Kubernetes?

Do you feel difficulty understanding the CI CD pipeline workflow in Azure DevOps 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♀️ ?

If yes, Here I am going to explain the CI CD pipeline workflow in Azure DevOps in a very simple language 😊.

We will be assuming that we are deploying our project using Docker and Kubernetes in Azure DevOps. So, let's get started 🏃‍♂️ :

  • First, the developer pushes the code inside the repository. 1️⃣

  • This push triggers the CI pipeline also known as Azure build pipelines. 2️⃣

  • In the CI pipeline, we will have various tasks: two important tasks are "Docker Build and Push the image to ACR"(task x) and "Publish Artifact"(task y). 3️⃣

  • Task x will push the image to Azure Container Registry(ACR). 3️⃣

  • Task y will produce the Artifact(deployable component) and build id which we will use in the release pipeline(CD). 4️⃣

  • The release pipeline will use this Artifact produced to deploy our project in various stages(Dev, QA, Prod etc) with the help of Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS). These stages can vary based on the project. 5️⃣

  • The Dev stage will deploy our project in the Azure AKS cluster with the Dev namespace. Similarly for QA, Prod etc. 5️⃣

  • Once this happens, this Azure AKS Cluster Dev namespace will pull the corresponding docker image from Azure Container Registry(ACR). 6️⃣

  • Finally, our project(code) is deployed in the Dev stage 😊. Similarly for other stages.

  • Done...